"According to our claim 'Let's create future', training and cooperation with local fire departments is very important to us as an innovation leader in the field of rescue systems. We are therefore particularly pleased when we can support local fire departments and training centers together with our local partners," says Bernhard Obermayr, Managing Director of WEBER RESCUE SYSTEMS.
Throughout the year, sets of rescue equipment and accessories have been donated. For example, together with WEBER RESCUE partner Dräger Hellas, the Athens Fire Academy was recently equipped with E-FORCE devices. The academy is responsible for the training of fire officers and uses the equipment for the training of young leaders.
In November, the Brigade national des Sapeurs-pompiers du Sénégal was also supported with a donation of E-FORCE 2 equipment and accessories such as STAB-FAST, STAB-PACK and GLASMANAGEMENT sets. The donated equipment will be used in the fire station of Kaffrine.